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The Mist: In Crest Hill County

A Spiritual Journey of Love, Life, and Living

Crest Hill County is in trouble.

It is a town, that has seen too much death, had too many funerals, witnessed too much sorrow. The grief is so heavy, that the town itself is vanishing from the face of the earth.

...that is until a mysterious mist rolls into town, and raises the dead, who come back to show the living...just how to live again.

But while the mist seems to bring a sign of also comes with a price. 

Friends, Lovers, & Roses

Three gay couples travel from lust to love - with a few stops along the way!


This fast moving romantic drama follows three gay African -American couples (and their Puerto Rican confidant) through the twists and turns of building (and sometimes, destroying) relationships.


Their stories - funny one moment, frightening the next - reveal the hard truths about the journey from lust to love and the choice we makle along the way. The story swings from intense to inspiring and back again in a heartbeat as David, Allen, Stephen, Jamal, Sarafina, Dominique (and Damien) struggle with the things we do - and don't do - for love.

Around The Block

Around The Block

A coming of age story - about a boy and his grandmother, and his journey into adulthood.

Book no.1
Book no.2
Book no.3
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